Thursday 5 July 2012

Je suis tres desole...

...I would just like to apologize to our regular readers for the severe lack of posts recently, everything has been a little crazy in the world of Bijoux over the last month. Miss R and Mr R have found their first flat to buy in London and are about to move / become homeowners for the first time. It has been a really exciting time for them peppered unfortunately with the 'usual' stresses of buying; being in a chain, solicitors, estate agents etc etc. Anyway, all going well and please keep your fingers crossed, they will be moving in at the end of July! Owning our own property has been something that we have dreamt about since we had our own label back when we first graduated and I am so happy that my little sis and big brother are about to embark on this adventure together.  As you know Miss R and I are keen interior enthusiasts and I am looking forward to seeing how she will transform her new home with all of the vintage finds she already has and the new additions yet to be discovered at car boots and antique fairs.
And onto myself, well, June was quite a month. I did my first paid set styling job at The British Biscuit Festival {see post below}, completed the wedding dress that I had been working on for several months for a good friend of Miss R's {see next post} and left the trend forecaster I had been working at for three and a half years to go freelance as a Trend Editor {a MASSIVE step for me}. The good news is that the bride was beyond happy with her dress {she got married on Saturday} and that I have several freelance gigs in the pipeline already, oh and that I will be back blogging on a daily basis!

Posted by: Miss J

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